Want Free Books? Don’t Miss This!


We interrupt our normal broadcast to bring you a special announcement! In lieu of a new episode this week (sorry, our editor is on vacation and needed a break from TJC) we’re having a fantastic book giveaway! Thanks to the generosity of some of our favorite Christian publishers we have some good, solid books on a range of topics that we’ve been discussing to give to some of our faithful listeners!

If you’d like to qualify for this giveaway it’s really quite simple. Between September 4-18 Just share one of your favorite Jerusalem Chamber episodes on Facebook or Twitter using the hashtags #TheJerusalemChamber or #TJCBookGiveaway and you’ll automatically be entered.

Holy Scripture | Of God, and of the Holy Trinity | Of God’s Eternal Decree | Of Creation

The more you post the more entries you have! Unfortunately, due to budget issues this giveaway can only be offered to those in the United States. Hopefully, though, that won’t deter our international friends!

As always, we appreciate all of you! Thanks for tuning in and keep listening to The Jerusalem Chamber as we discuss, paragraph by paragraph, the doctrine, piety, and worship of the Westminster Confession of Faith.

Here is a list of the books we’re giving away!

1. The Westminster Confession of Faith by GI Williamson (P&R)

2. Faith of Our Fathers by Wayne Spear (C&C)

3. The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination by Lorraine Boettner (P&R)

4. The Christian View of Man by J. Gresham Machen (Banner)

5. The Person of Christ by Donald MacLeod (IVP)

6. The Church by Edmund Clowney (IVP)

7. Delighting in the Trinity by Michael Reeves (IVP)

8. Taking God at His Word by Kevin DeYoung (Crossway)

9. The Doctrine of God by Herman Bavinck (Banner of Truth)

10. The Doctrine of God by Gerald Bray (IVP)

11. The Quest for the Trinity by Stephen Holmes (IVP)

12. Life in the Trinity by Donald Fairbairn (IVP)

13. The Holy Trinity by Robert Letham (P&R)

14. The Essential Trinity by Carl Trueman and Brandon Crowe (P&R)

15. God’s Almighty Acts in Creation by Starr Meade (Crossway)

16. Christ and the Decree by Richard Muller (Baker)

17. The Mystery of Providence by John Flavel (Banner)

18. Providence Handled Practically by Obadiah Sedgwick (RHB)

5 thoughts on “Want Free Books? Don’t Miss This!

  1. Any other way to enter the giveaway? I don’t have a Twitter account or an active Facebook account. By the way, my favorite episode is 3.3 predestination and fore-ordination.

    Thanks for what you do! I really enjoy the podcasts.


  2. I don’t use Facebook and don’t know how nor care to use twitter. Guess I’ll get my books the old fashion way. It’s ok that we somewhat illiterate techie elderly get left out. It’s sad, but all too common in many churches, like the one I just left because they make no exceptions, because the pastor has been bringing in Emergent teaching and has a half dozen “sort of” Gospel interpretations (I’m still not sure which gospel he believes), along with some clearly false teaching i.e. about faith being a “power and a skill” which the young & old alike are missing, while he tosses out various Scripture verse references which he doesn’t have time for, but has time to give away a book/author weekly that he’s promoting, recent one by an Emergent professor. And he promotes Tim Keller’s books without measure and doesn’t have any concern about the Offertory ballet dancing during a Church service, nor theistic evolution. Sorry I really needed to vent. I’m attending a real Reformed Church now (URC) where the preaching of the truth of Scripture & the true Gospel proclaimed brings tears of joy pouring down my face. If you have a minute, please pray for us/family. Sent from my iPad



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